Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Booster Number Three

I click on buy boosters and redeem my:
Second Free Booster
Human Crossbowmen (Common)
Human Swordmaidens (Common)
Human Heavy Cavalry (Common)
Human Spearmen (Common)
Human Mercenaries (Common)
Treants (Uncommon)
Wizard Blast (Uncommon)
Human Light Lancers (Uncommon)
Orc Pavises (Uncommon)
Holy Light (Rare)

Well there go my chances for a beefy tanking unit, however Holy light combined with the Swordmaidens will keep any enemy unit out of battle for a very long time and after selling the Wizard Blast and Orc Pavises I was able to afford my first unit of them. As luck would have it the 4 sword maidens I now own can be equipped with a lesser sword and advanced chainmail I found earlier.

Even Though I can't trade right now, I can't bear to sell the Treants. I know if I ever register this account I will be able to get all but the most expensive light units in trade for them.


No1 said...

How do you buy Swordmaidens with a free account? it won't let me. I can't even sell the crap I got.

Slava Zatuchny said...

Go to the market and click on the last tabs, one is buy and one is sell.

You can buy any of the listed units or resources even with a free account and sell anything you have on the sell tab. Yes even with a free account

timmy64 said...
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timmy64 said...

i dont know why... but when i go to purchase boosters "no boosters available" ?? what happened? i regerstered for free at from a special event. thx for tips on free play though slava =D

sorry had to remove the last one cause i forgot to say something.

i play saga too and my friend gave me a white dragon =D i wanna challenge you: Slava to a PVP battle =D

but teach me how to get the 3 free boosters first pleash XD

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I am the Marketing Director for Silverlode Interactive. You may find me trolling the forums at