Saturday, April 5, 2008

FInished all level 5 Quests

Total Play TIme 3 Hours 42 Minutes

Finshed all level 5 quests (10 of them)

I've decided that buying one troop at a time is not the most eficient way to build up my army since until a unit is of a certain size it isn't very useful anyway. So instead I am going to start building up my nation so that my gold can work for me while I am leveling. I figure wood is most important at this stage since I can easily get gold from quests, so I will build the Lumber Mills first.

While questing I notice that some troops level faster than others and I need to decide if I should try to spread the XP, especially to units that do the tanking, or let the DPS units level quickly so that my tanking units dont need to survive for as long before the enemy is killed. I think I'll just enjoy the game and not worry about that.

The only thing I am doing to optimize my leveling is taking shorter quest lines first, under the assumptions that the quests with more steps get harder and will need my leveled up units.

Nation level 7
Peasants: 41
Farms: 5
Houses: 4
Lumber Mills: 2
25 Human Archers: level 4
12 Human Light Cavalry: level 2
21 Human Pikemen: level 1
25 Human Spearmen: level 3
25 Human Light Infantry: level 1
4 Human Swordmaidens: level 1
Fireball: level 1
Rally: level 1
Heal: level 1
Bless: level 1
Holy Light: level 1

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